Eldritch Thoughts

Story Archives

To begin any story from the beginning, click on the large title at the top of each story's section of the archives.

Iridescent Dreams
(February 14, 2003 - Present)

Introduction - Nightmares of the past haunt Rock still today.

Part I: The Broken One

Chapter 1 - Matt pushes Rock to move on with his life by trying to rekindle his talents as a Crystal Mage.
(8 pages; jump to page 5)

Chapter 2 - With our characters introduced and reacquainted, they begin working on replacing Rock's crystal collection.
(12 pages; jump to page 5, 10)

Chapter 3 - Rock and Matt know they're caught in a trap, but the scope of the matter eludes them.
(11 pages; jump to page 5, 10)

Part II: The Invader

Chapter 4 - A hunting party from the Iridescent Order follows on the trail of Rock Thunderbird.
(14 pages; jump to page 5, 10)

Chapter 5 - A rescue attempt from both sides of the bars.
(18 pages; jump to page 5, 10, 15)

Interlude - A short break from the story.

Chapter 6 - Rescue attempt part two. Now with a new person to rescue.
(16 pages; jump to page 5, 10, 15)

Part III: The Arch Magus

Chapter 7 - A night around the campfire gives Rock time to reflect on the past.
(In production; jump to page 5)